Vooi, backed by @BinanceLabs and accelerated by @Consensys & @ZK_Accelerator, has launched its Telegram Mini App, a fun and educational gateway designed to onboard more people into the world of perpetual trading and sharpen their skills.
Complete quests, play mini-games and start auto-trading while testing your skills in paper trading sessions with real market data on BTC, ETH, and TON. Get ready for potential Airdrop post-TGE! 💰
About Vooi
Vooi is a perpetual DEX aggregator and unified trading app that enables seamless cross-chain trading across major EVM and non-EVM platforms like Orderly, KiloEx, SynFutures & Hyperliquid.
With its Unified Trading Terminal, users experience CEX-like functionality featuring TradingView charts and the Pyth oracle, along with automated strategies powered by Alertatron bots.
Step by step guide Vooi Airdrop
Launch the Vooi Mini App on Telegram, and use referral code qY9WZ0y.
Complete quests, play mini-games and auto trade every 8 hours to earn Virtual USD and VT.
Test your trading skills in paper trading sessions with real market data on BTC, ETH, and TON futures, and earn more for positive PnL.
Trade with real funds on the Vooi app platform and unlock even bigger rewards.
* Get rewarded for your daily activities and stay active to unlock even greater rewards! 🏆
Stay tuned with @AirdropAlertcom 🔔 the original and first-ever Airdrop platform globally, consistently offering premier Airdrop opportunities since 2017 with love ❤️ and dedication.