Virtuals Protocol is transforming AI integration in gaming, entertainment, and social ecosystems with autonomous blockchain-powered agents that operate seamlessly across environments, enabling users to benefit from their growth through parallel hyper-synchronicity.

With a unique revenue-generating model where AI agents drive income through user interactions, the platform reinvests this revenue into on-chain buybacks and burns reducing token supply and increasing value, offering co-owners the potential for 1000x returns. 🚀

About Virtuals Protocol

Virtuals Protocol enables decentralized co-ownership of Generative Autonomous Multimodal Entities (G.A.M.E), autonomous AI agents that leverage advanced technologies like the Long Term Memory Processor to store data and evolve with each interaction.

Developers can seamlessly integrate these agents into projects through the Agent Prompting Interface, enabling dynamic and responsive AI-driven functionalities.

    Step by step guide Virtuals Protocol Airdrop

  • Visit the Virtuals Protocol app and connect your Base wallet.
  • Acquire $VIRTUAL tokens in order to buy AI agents like $LUNA.
  • Create and co-own AI agents, and earn as they generate revenue.

The buyback-and-burn mechanism steadily reduces token supply as AI agents generate revenue!



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